07 Dec 2007


Maybe it’s the time of the year, inspiring top 10s and best whatevers of the year, but We need to talk about Kevin (L. Shriver) really is the best book I read this year. I remember the controversy when this book came out, and winning the Orange Prize in 2005. Shriver was even depicted in the press as the “anti-mother”, writing of the unspoken, the dark side of motherhood.

The story, told in the form of letters written by Eva to her husband is chilling. She relates to him her initial doubts of becoming a mother, giving up her life as a successfull travel writer, and raising their son who at the age of 15 caused a high-school massacre. Somehow, worries about her son becoming a mass murderer were never on her list of cons…

Shriver’s writing is amazing, with an eloquence that makes me want to savour every word, every sentence.

A brilliant book, definitely recommended.